News & Tips
Why Doctors, Dentists, and Other Health Care Providers Need Specially Trained Cleaning Professionals To Clean Their Offices and Facilities…
With so much at stake, the cleaning needs of healthcare facilities are unique from many other institutions. They require the expertise of janitorial specialists dedicated to ensuring a thoroughly cleaned, sanitized and disinfected environment. Extensive cleaning...
Lawn Care Tips – Minimize Lawn Care Problems By Employing The Following Tasks at the Right Times of the Year
To minimize maintenance problems, use only species of grass that are appropriate for your location and for the specific conditions within your lawn. Sustainable turfgrass management includes careful consideration of the soil in which turf is growing and seeks to...
Tips for Keeping Your Property Clean During the Winter
Snow may be white and beautiful, but we all know it can create quite the mess. No matter what, slush on the ground and wet weather conditions significantly increase the amount of moisture that is accidentally brought indoors, which inevitably affects your building’s...
Winter Landscaping Tips – Winter Pruning Benefits Your Commercial Property
Pruning plays a very important part in the maintenance of strong and healthy landscape trees. The need for pruning could be reduced by planting the right tree in the right place. Pruning should begin while the tree is young; this will cut down on the problems that may...
5 Reasons Why Facility Managers Should Hire a Profession Commercial Cleaning Service…
Facility executives say they are searching for a commercial cleaning service who can guide them to more efficient and eco-friendly cleaning processes, as well as to other specialty programs such as cleaning for health. Overseeing a daily operation of a workplace like...
Cleaning Tips for a Healthier Daycare Center…
Keeping your space clean is essential for running a safe, high quality, successful daycare center. Germs, bacteria, and illnesses can spread throughout the center and affect children and staff quickly. Every surface, from toys and books to tabletops, floors and walls...
Commercial Landscaping Contracts – The Baseline Level of Service You Should Expect In Any Landscaping Contract…
Many facility managers ask what it takes to get healthy plants, green turf, weed free beds, and a neat appearance. Managers work within a budget and must make decisions about where to allocate resources. While a manager’s intention is not to cut corners he/she needs...
How Your Janitorial and Cleaning Service’s Employee Turnover Problem Can Affect Your Bottom Line…
In the janitorial industry, employee turnover averages about 200%. This level of turnover is normal but it shouldn’t be because it doesn’t have to be. You cannot afford to overlook your cleaning company’s constant stream of new people. Employee turnover and resigning...
6 Observations that Point To Your Commercial Property Having Outdoor Drainage Problems…
You don’t have to be a professional to know your grounds are experiencing drainage problems. The water line on the side of your property, bare roots, and yard rivulets that look like little streams are hard to miss. These issues are not only unsightly, but they can...
4 Important Ways That A Commercial Cleaning Service Benefits All Business Owners…
Do you think you owe it to your employees to have a clean and healthy work environment? Are you looking for ways to increase your company's efficiency and appearance? If your answer is yes, we would like to give you a few suggestions of how a commercial cleaning...
How to Use Cultural, Biological, Physical and Chemical Strategies To Control Pest Problems….
A well-defined Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program is based on prevention, monitoring, and control that will eliminate or drastically reduce the use of pesticides. Reducing pesticides will minimize the toxicity of and exposure to any products which are used in...
10 Places That In-House and Mediocre Professional Cleaners Usually Forget To Clean!
Maybe you have an in-house team that cleans your facilities and you are too busy to walk behind them to see if they are doing a good job. Maybe you have a professional cleaner that is cutting corners on their way to their next client. Below are 10 of the top places we...
Irrigation System Tips – Promoting Water-wise Habits and Maintaining Your Irrigation Equipment
Irrigation is to supply our lawn with water by artificial means. Irrigation is critical for a healthy landscape. To maintain a natural beauty of your landscape, irrigation is necessary. Lots of new technology is available that can save money and water these days....
Your Office May Be Making You and Your Employees Sick Even Though You Are Cleaning It. Learn Why…
Have you heard of Sick Building Syndrome? There is even a name for the illness attached to poor indoor air quality and the leaky roof and moldy ceiling tiles and filthy carpets and dirty doorknobs. Offices everywhere are sick, causing those who work there to suffer...
4 Major Ways Dirty Floors Hurt Your Company’s Image, Productivity, and Bottom-line…
Like many people, you may take your floors for granted. When a building is cleaned, the floors are often the most neglected part of the space although they are affected by dust, debris, and dirt. When doing the cleaning, floors are given less attention as compared to...
Do You Know The 6 Steps to a Healthy Lawn? Watch This Video…
Watch the following video to find out the 6 steps to having a healthy green lawn. Hint: A good landscaping company like First Green can help you make sure all 6 steps are taken care of at the right time for the best results. Is your property not receiving the...
Need Some Trees To Soften Up the Company Grounds – Here Are The Best Native Ornamental Trees For Your Northern Kentucky Property…
If you’re looking to create a welcoming environment for your employees, guests, and customers, you need to pay special attention to your commercial landscape. Landscaping for a commercial property is not as cut and dry as it might seem, and some would even say it’s...
How A Proactive Pest Management Approach Does More for You Landscape
Integrated Landscape Pest Management (IPM), and it is an ecosystem-based strategy that focuses on cultural practices, using pest and disease resistant plants, releasing beneficial insects, and implementing smart design solutions to maximize ecosystem services. The...